
The following links are to people, places and organizations associated with Andover Museum Loft Singers that are important to us.  If you would like us to link to your website please Contact Us


Faustus, the award winning folk trio which comprised the late Paul Sartin, Benji Kirkpatrick & Saul Rose


Belshazzar's Feast, the talented duo of the late Paul Sartin and Paul Hutchinson. Much missed and with a great back catalogue for you to enjoy.


The Lights, Andover - "A place to meet friends, be entertained, and get creative"

Group photo of the band, Quimantu

Quimantu, the Anglo-Chilean band with whom we collaborated in 2021 to perform the Latin-American mass, Misa de los Mineros.

BSMC Logo 2.jpg


Andover Light Orchestra has about 30 members of all ages drawn from a wide area centred on Andover,  Andover Museum Loft Singers are proud to be associated and to have performed with this talented group of musicians.